Top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway took to Twitter on Saturday to praise the president’s executive actions halting refugee admission to the United States.
“Get used to it. @POTUS is a man of action and impact,” Conway tweeted, along with a link to a Fox News segment in which she talked about how Trump followed through on his campaign promise to implement “extreme vetting” of refugees and migrants from certain countries.
“I don’t think Washington is accustomed to somebody who’s just been a brilliant businessman, who’s accustomed to delivering and producing results, who’s accountable to, in this case, the people,” Conway said during herFox News interview.
“Promises made, promises kept,” her tweet continued. “Shock to the system. And he’s just getting started.”
Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday that banned refugees from entering the US for 120 days. Syrians have been banned indefinitely, and asylum-seekers from six Muslim-majority countries - Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen - have been barred entry for at least the next three months.
Critics of Trump's refugee ban say it is discriminatory and violates the Constitution's religious freedom guarantees.
"Today's executive actions dishonor our values and do not address the threat of terrorism," said a statement released by House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Friday. "Americans of all faiths must confront and reject any attempt to target for exclusion or discrimination anyone on the basis of their religion."
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer also slammed the president's executive actions. "Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight as a grand tradition of America, welcoming immigrants, that has existed since America was founded has been stomped upon, taking in immigrants and refugees is not only humanitarian but has also boosted our economy and created jobs decade after decade," Schumer said.
He continued: "This is one of the most backward and nasty executive orders that the president has issued."